Simplify Your Construction Planning: Go Digital with Hoylu

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Join us as we unveil the innovative world of Hoylu for Construction, the ultimate game-changer in digital construction planning for Lean, Last Planner System®, Pull Planning and more. From real-time collaboration to automatic updates, visual project planning, and seamless team communication – discover how our smart solution is reshaping the way construction projects are managed. We’ll explore a realm where efficiency meets precision, errors fade into the background, and project success becomes the norm.

Please use the link you will be provided from GoToWebinar, after you have registered, to add this webinar to your calendar.

**This webinar will be recorded and the video will be available on the 2023 LCI Congress website**

10/5/2023 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Registration is closed.


Daniel Eddy
