How to Regain 100 Construction Days with AI-Powered Planning

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We'll explore how the Last Planner System® can be amplified with precise, objective progress data. We'll discuss how the industry uses Buildots' automated progress tracking to set and continuously refine work plans, achieving high Plan Percent Complete (PPC) rates. We'll highlight how these evolving plans, strategically tied to long-term commitments, effectively mitigate delays, regaining hundreds of accumulated delay days. We'll dive into the tangible benefits of performance-driven construction, illustrating its importance in boosting project efficiency and securing on-time, on-budget delivery.

Please use the link you will be provided from GoToWebinar, after you have registered, to add this webinar to your calendar.

**This webinar will be recorded and the video will be available on the 2023 LCI Congress website**

9/26/2023 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Eastern Daylight Time
Registration is closed.


Amir Berman
